How to make the most of a Clinical Lectureship

If you have been awarded a CL post, congratulations! Here are some tips for how to make the most of it:
Apply for funding for consumables / technician costs. A number of schemes exist e.g.:
- Request a mentor through the Academy of Medical Sciences Mentoring Programme
- Ideally publish the work from your PhD.
- Start to build a research team comprising e.g. students, lab technicians and collaborators.
Aim to transition to academic independence. Set yourself goals and monitor them frequently:
- skills you would like to attain
- desired outputs
- collaborations you intend to form
- Set clinical goals.
- Monitor the amount of time you spend on clinical and academic work – is the balance optimal?
- Ideally develop a clinical interest which aligns with your research.
Plan in advance what will happen upon CCT e.g.
- will you be in a position to apply for a Clinician Scientist Award?
- will a Senior Lecturer or Associate Professor post be created for you?
- Working as a CL can be challenging - take time to periodically reflect on your work-life balance, physical and mental health.