How to supervise students

Don’t be afraid of supervising students. If you’ve never done it before, consider co-supervising with a more senior colleague / Professor.
Before you take on the role
Establish what the medical school expects of you and the students. The sort of things you may be expected to do include:
- devise a project and apply for ethical approval
- teach the students laboratory skills
- offer feedback on their written work
- review abstracts and posters
- offer feedback on oral presentations
- formally mark written work and oral presentations (it’s a good idea to mark several to get a benchmark or ask to look at marked examples from previous years)
Don’t assume a course hasn’t changed since the year before. Ask for a copy of the course curriculum, aims and objectives, assignment deadlines and marking criteria.
Sometimes pastoral issues may arise within a supervision context. Know who to contact in this situation (usually the course leader who will then involve pastoral teams within the University/medical school). Know who you should contact if one of your students is struggling.
When you supervise the students
Firstly establish
- their background
- their goals
- the skills that they want to develop
- their concerns
- ground-rules
- Briefly document all meetings.
- Ask your students for feedback so that you can improve.
Encourage your students to
- present their work at conferences e.g. the PathSoc Summer & Winter meetings
- publish their work
- apply for prizes and grants
Don't forget to include supervision of students on your CV.